RT4 BOARD MEETING NOTES, JUNE 7, 2023, 8:30pm Welcome In attendance: AM, TC, EQ, BS, ZM Absent: TG (excused) Approval of May board meeting notes [EQ] Motion to approve EQ, seconded TC, unanimously approved Communications Working Group report [TG] AM will convey substance of planning meetings with TG Tech Chair report [BS] Cybersquatting at www.restorethefourth.net follow-up Acquisition of alternate domain names (BS would like to pay for domains to be considered a donation) TG can use a different email account, but secure communications should be sent on Signal Treasurer's report [TC] FY2023Q3 Financial Report motion to accept AM, seconded EQ, unanimously approved Worker's comp update FIDO update, to do: AM to make sure TC gets FIDO key for TG Coinbase update- AM and TC to move forward on an account in July/September Chair's report [AM] Scheduling of next board meeting: In the summer, we conventionally do not have an August meeting, and schedule the July meeting late. So I propose Tuesday July 25th, at 8:30pm Eastern, for our next Board meeting date. Approval of coalition letters: EFF letter opposing the Cooper Davis Act (this bill would require platforms to report drug activity to law enforcement) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t_Sxisxh1JGdSJPth06LEn-Pc_z-rpbe8exyDChp7wA/edit?usp=sharing LCCHR letter to FTC on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security Rulemaking: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VWC0aw7HhNvJ0i2kuRdlrtMeStiXf62bVmchUbIoF_M/edit?usp=sharing Fundraising report- DDG Working groups: Litigation Working Group Amicus brief filed in Verdun (circulated to Board May 22) No longer pursuing en banc review petition in Pollreis Possible new case in Long Lake v. Maxon, appealing to the Michigan Supreme Court a bad Court of Appeals decision permitting warrantless drone searches under the administrative searches exception Legislative Working Group Updates on current issues: Surveillance reform in Congress Protection of end-to-end encryption, currently including: The EARN-IT Act, the STOP CSAM Act, the RESTRICT Act, KOSA, and other efforts to undermine Section 230's liability protections for online service providers. Abortion data advocacy, in connection to https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2023/04/12/hhs-proposes-measures-bolster-patient-provider-confidentiality-around-reproductive-health-care.html Advocacy on state bills on commercial privacy, keyword and geofence warrants (AB793 passed in CA with a little help from us) Meetings this month with offices of: Sen. Gillibrand (D-NY); Sen. Brown (D-OH); Rep. Casar (D-TX); trying to set up with Del. Plaskett (D-VI) and Rep. Armstrong (R-SD), among others. Report back on presentation May 31 to EFA on scorecard Communications Working Group: Currently inactive, responsible for social media management and press relations. Being temporarily handled by SP and AM. New brief on Vehicular Surveillance being published this week Chapter updates- RT4 Boston- Arlington MA surveillance ordinance Old Business- none New Business- none Adjournment- Motion to adjourn TC, seconded EQ Thanks, Ed Quiggle, Jr. Secretary Restore the Fourth