RT4 Tuesday July 25th, 2023 Board Meeting Notes 8:30pm Eastern via Signal In Attendance: AM, EQ, TC, BS Absent: ZM (excused) 1. Welcome 2. Adding to the minutes for this meeting, the following text: “On Monday, July 10, AM introduced a motion, seconded by TC, for the permanent suspension of Tess Gadwa from the Board of Directors and from her position as Communications Chair, for violation of the following Standard of Conduct in the Bylaws: "Refusal or inability to discharge the obligations of the elected position, including reasonable attendance at meetings of elected officers." Discussion opened on the RT4 Board Signal chat at 3:15pm Eastern on July 10, and closed at 12pm Eastern on July 12. All board members eligible to vote on the motion, namely AM, TC, EQ, ZM and BS, voted in favor.” Motion by AM, seconded by TC. Unanimously approved 3. Motion to exclude TG as volunteer for RT4 [AM] a. Our volunteer policy allows the Board to vote to exclude individuals as volunteers for RT4, if they have failed “in good faith to work respectfully with other Restore The Fourth volunteers to pursue its goals via rational and peaceful means.” I can make such a motion, but cannot vote for its passage. Board members may consider any written materials, including the content of the Signal chat. Motion by AM, seconded by EQ, motion withdrawn, deferred to a future time should it be necssary. 4. Vote on board meeting notes for June 7 RT4 Board meeting [EQ] Motion to accept by EQ, seconded by AM, unanimously approved 5. Treasurer’s Report [TC] (Deferred to next meeting) a. RT4 Budget FY2024 i. To be circulated AM working on a proposal for Stefan to assume some of the duties of the Communications Chair through paid position. Would expand the number of hours he works for RT4. ZM has indicated he would be willing to finance the extra cost. AM will also reach out to DuckDuckGo for more funding. AM to do market research, factor in COLA, BLS CPI to determine what Stefan's compensation should be. 6. Tech Chair Report [BS] a. Cybersquatting- BS to followup with trademark attorney b. Acquisition of alternate domain names- .org name available $15/yr c. Crosspost tweets on Mastadon, sense of the board is we should investigate getting a presence on Mastadon. 7. Chair’s Report [AM] a. Scheduling of next Board meeting: Wed Sep 6, 8:30pm Eastern on Signal AM losing nanny, won't be available after school pickup starting this fall. b. Approval of coalition letters- Signed onto letter opposing drone bill S. 1631. Signed onto Stop CSAM letter. c. Fundraising report- AM sent out letter to donors. d. Working groups i. Litigation Working Group 1. Victory in Leuthauser, 9th circuit overturned lower court TSA agents can be sued under Tort Claims Act 2. Victory in McDonnell, Maryland State Supreme Court suspect can revoke consent for computer searches ii. Legislative Working Group 1. FISA/Surveillance reform a. House NDAA: Davidson Amendment victory, would eliminate the data broker loophole, restricted to DOD/Intelligence Agencies. Supporters could be on Conference Committee. b. Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act voted out of House Judiciary 2. Section 230/encryption bills 3. Civil asset forfeiture (“FAIR”) 4. Other issues- Parallel Construction brief coming soon, and AI and law enforcement brief iii. Communications Working Group 1. See budget discussion above 2. AM may step down and Christina Delgado may take over chairing communications working group e. Chapter updates- MN drone bill Judge Jake Laperruque could do local panel. AM to encourage Judge Napolitano to be more active in speaking out about 4th amendment issues again Boston municipal surveillance oversight is not going we;; because the person who was going to be chair got DUI, mew chair not likely to be appointed till after next election 8. Old Business None 9. New Business None 10. Adjournment- Motion to adjourn by EQ, seconded by AM, meeting adjourned at 9:39pm -Ed Quiggle, Jr. Secretary Restore the Fourth