RT4 Board Meeting Wed., Oct 11, 2023, 8:30pm 1. Welcome Attendance: AM, BS, EQ, ZM, TC Absent: None. 2. Vote on minutes for September 6 RT4 Board meeting [EQ] Motion to approve AM, seconded BS, unanimously approved 3. Treasurer’s Report [TC] a. RT4 Financial Report for FY2024Q1- ~$50k in bank, funds dwindling, we need to fundraise or shortly we will need to start liquidating assets to make payroll b. Coinbase application submitted- currently in review 4. Tech Chair Report [BS] a. Update on cease and desist letter for trademark dispute- BS to follow up with attorney to make sure letter is sent b. Acquisition of alternate domain names- BS will follow up with SP c. Website configuration to allow mail merges with YAMM- BS will follow up with SP 5. Chair’s Report a. Fundraising report I. $25,000 committed from DuckDuckGo- AM seeking to discuss if it would be possible to raise their contribution to $35K in 2024. II. $20,000 committed from ZM- TC to send wiring instructions to ZM since Coinbase account is still pending III. Grant research/member fundraising b. Nominations report I. Christina Delgado would like to join the Board as interim (non-voting) at-large Board member (bio and pitch forthcoming) AM moved to nominate Christina Delgado, seconded by EQ, unanimously approved. CD is now an interim non-voting at-large board member. II. Looking at recruiting one more INVAL board member c. Scheduling of next Board meeting: Date provisionally set for Wednesday November 8th 8:30pm Eastern on Signal; AM will check in with CD as to whether that works for her TC left the call at 8:54, quorum maintained d. Coalition letters for approval: I. From CDT, joint statement after meeting with DNI Avril Haines: https://cdt.org/press/civil-liberties-advocated-statement-following-meeting-with-dni-avril-haines/ II. From DRAD, letter opposing RICO indictments for Stop Cop City protesters: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17zFe0bpvK3rbzm3YVXBtYYTdQSwAsYDaNmPOf2twkJk/edit III. From Freedom of the Press Foundation, letter to DOJ opposing raid on journalist Tim Burke: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_tZalyLIEmmVXglbm5aM_I-zRJb3a_9mx5Mi7em27Ec/edit IV. From Brennan Center, letter to Congress re AI Civil Rights and Consumer and Worker Protection: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r_p43ZR_stNUqcrpJLZESAAyRQNfBvWm8XeF7bndrOA/edit V. From Rep. Pramila Jayapal and others, a resolution on 9/11: https://jayapal.house.gov/2023/09/08/jayapal-omar-tlaib-chu-carson-introduce-september-11th-congressional-resolution/ Coalition letters unanimously approved e. RT4 press coverage: I. Discussion of geofencing and religious liberty interests in Calvary Chapel case: https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2023/09/26/just_the_facts_on_geofencing_the_intrusive_app-based_dragnet_that_sgt_joe_friday_never_dreamed_of_981539.html f. Working groups I. Litigation Working Group 1. New member Kevin B.; current members Allyson P., Christina D., Andy W., Alex M., Mahesha S. (chair) 2. Victory in State v. Torgerson (MN Supreme Court): Mere odor of cannabis does not provide reasonable suspicion for a vehicular search; court reproduced arguments from our brief. AM directed the Board to Mahesha's email update on other LitWG activities, which circulated separately prior to the Board meeting. II. Legislative Working Group 1. New member Aaron J.; current regulars are Alex M. (chair), Stephen P., Julie B., Christina D., David X., Chris W., Aaron J. 2. Endorsed and scored: A. H. R. 5309: Warrant for Metadata Act (text) B. H. R. 5311: ENCRYPT Act of 2023 (text) C. H. R. 5331: Government Surveillance Transparency Act of 2023 (text) D. H. R. 5442: Drone Reform Act (text) 3. Congressional outreach on surveillance reform: A. Meetings with staffers for House Minority Whip Katherine Clark, Rep. Judy Chu, Rep. Ted Lieu B. Constituent outreach to Sen. Dick Durbin, Rep. Eric Swalwell, Rep. Jim Himes C. Publicized PCLOB report on 702, developing rebuttal materials to PCLOB minority annex D. Expecting major reform bill soon; temporary sunset of 702 increasingly likely amid legislative chaos 4. More active collaboration with Asian-American advocacy groups, especially around Angwang administrative trial 5. Brandon Johnson Shotspotter letter campaign; nexus with attempt to reconvene Chicago chapter 6. Assisting Young People's Alliance with drafting their legislation to protect young people from algorithmic manipulation 7. Organizing testimony on state privacy bills in MA, NH and ME 8. Organizing opposition to "Stop Organized Retail Crime Bill", which treats shoplifting as terrorism III. Communications Working Group 1. Reorientation of social media strategy: a. Primary: Reddit (previously X/Twitter) b. Secondary: new Mastodon account @rt4@campaign.openworlds.info, new TikTok account, X/Twitter, Facebook 2. More active press management (as evidenced in new register of press coverage) 3. CommWG to reconvene towards end of year. Farhad C., Ross N. interested, possible new volunteer as well IV. Issue briefs 1. Parallel construction brief nearly ready 2. Artificial intelligence brief in draft AM reports no progress on these since last board meeting; he is reviewing them and is the source of the delay. V. Chapter updates 1. New chapter (RT4-Tallahassee!) 2. Boston chapter fought and lost to disapprove new funding for Boston fusion center; tabling at Boston Anarchist Bookfair in Nov 3. Other chapter updates- none VI. Old Business- none VII. New Business- none VIII. Adjournment Motion to adjourn AM, seconded by EQ, adjourned at 9:18pm Eastern Respectfully submitted, ED QUIGGLE, SECRETARY