RT4 Board Meeting Notes Wed., Nov 8, 2023, 8:30pm 1. Welcome In attendance: AM, EQ, CD, TC Absent: ZM (unexcused), BS (excused) 2. Introductions 3. Vote on minutes for October 11 RT4 Board Meeting (see below) [EQ] Motion to approve by EQ, seconded by AM, unanimously approved 4. Treasurer’s Report [TC] A. RT4 Financial Report for FY2024Q1- TC to circulate one week before next meeting (i.e., by Nov. 28) B. Coinbase application submitted; they had questions about whether we used KYC mechanisms; waiting to hear back C. Proposed RT4 investment policy Motion to approve by AM, seconded by EQ, unanimously approved 5. Tech Chair Report [BS] Absent A. Update on cease and desist letter for trademark dispute (AM reports that C&D letter was sent) B. Acquisition of alternate domain names C. Email setup for CD and other board members @restorethe4th.com: AM reports that email address has been set up for CD. 6. Chair’s Report A. Fundraising report I. $25,000 received from DuckDuckGo II. $25,000 received from ZM III. Grant research/member fundraising B. Scheduling of next Board meeting: December 5 8:30pm eastern C. Coalition letters for approval: I. Statement for Global Encryption Day (first signed in 2022): https://docs.google.com/document/d/16CxeAttpzxvSptBORjOI0CJ0MzNbSF2ELDtJKSkxwvM/edit?pli=1 II. National Immigration Law Center regulatory comments on REAL ID: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LspfZovJ7CG--oQfsA_cFyBB_XyHSp4g/edit D. RT4 press coverage: I. https://reason.com/2023/11/07/lawmakers-try-to-insert-privacy-protections-into-the-feds-snooping-powers/ E. Working groups I. Litigation Working Group 1. Had been considering briefs in Lindekugel (MN), Zucchino (MA), but not in procedural posture for amicus briefing right now. However, Fickre no fly list SCOTUS case is, and Board had no objection to pursuing a brief. II. Legislative Working Group 1. Endorsed and scored: A. Government Surveillance Reform Act (+10 for cosponsors) B. H.R. 3611 - Algorithmic Justice and Online Platform Transparency Act (+3 for cosponsors) 2. Outreach to Congress A. Helped secure original cosponsorships for GSRA from Sen. Markey, Sen. Warren, Rep. Chu, Rep. Lieu B. Secured endorsements from Eye On Surveillance, Libertas Institute, Media Alliance, Oakland Privacy Group, Secure Justice, Surveillance Technology Oversight Project; CD working on ACLJ Action, ACU and other conservative groups. C. Reaching out to key further offices: I. NATIONAL: Jordan, Durbin, Sullivan, Gosar, Schweikert, McClintock, Merkley, Schakowsky, Pingree II. RT4-MN: McCollum, Emmer, Smith, Klobuchar III. RT4-MA: McGovern, Lynch, Neal, Pressley IV. RT4-PA: Perry III. Communications Working Group 1. Using media toolkit for GSRA; tweet thread on GSRA viewed over 1,000 times 2. Republican presidential candidates' article will be ready soon [EQ] F. Chapter updates Boston- civil asset forfeiture bill advocacy, fusion center opposition, 4th amendment civics curriculum SVPA- planning crypto party at makerspace 7. Old Business None 8. New Business None 9. Adjournment Motion to adjourn by AM, seconded by EQ, meeting adjourned at 9:58pm