December Board Meeting Notes Attending: AM, EQ, ZM. BS, CD, TC 1. Welcome 2. Introductions (CD, ZM and BS have not yet met) 3. Vote on minutes for November 8 board meeting Motion to approve by EQ, seconded by AM, unanimously approved 4. Treasurer's Report (TC) A. RT4 Financial Report for FY2024Q1- not quite ready, issue with payroll company/tax issue. To be sorted out before end of the year. B. Coinbase account is now open, ZM to transfer coins from old RT4 Coinbase account to new one, AM required to sign off. EQ to work with TC to update donation page. C. Make sure investment policy is added to website- TC to contact Stefan or BS to get it added to site. 5. Tech Chair's Report (deferred from November) (BS) A. Acquisition of alternate domain names- a couple were acquired, BS to acquire more TLDs, will point .org and others to the main site B. Email setup for all board members- request address in Signal chat; Alex requests C. Trademarks dispute update- BS to follow up with Elevate about C&D 6. Legislative Working Group report (CD & AM) A. Section 702 surveillance in the NDAA: Big NDAA fight over whether and what 702 language to include. AM explained need for "certification cap" language. B. The "Protect Liberty Act" and EO12,333: AM was not able to cover this in detail C. Updates on GSRA and outreach to right-side orgs: CD talked about her efforts at gaining endorsements D. Floor fight on surveillance Tuesday: whip counts, congressional info session, outreach to constituents 7. Coalition letters for approval (AM) A. Letter to Congress in support of whistleblower protections for contractors: B. Letter to NYC City Council in support of measures strengthening the POST Act: C. Letter to Congress spearheaded by Asian-American organizations, opposing inclusion of section 702 reauthorization in the NDAA: D. "Myths and Facts on 702 Reauthorization": E. Letter opposing House Intelligence bill and supporting House Judiciary bill and GSRA: Approved without objection 8. Date of next board meeting: A. Monday January 8 at 8:30pm Eastern 9. Litigation Working Group update No updates. 10. Communications Working Group update- to restart in 2024 11. Chapter updates A. Boston- State privacy bills B. SV PA- requested locals to contact legislators to support 702 reform, EQ attended calls with Reps from PA on 702 reform C. NYC- push to strengthen POST Act 12. Old Business- none 13. New Business- none 14. Adjournment Motion to adjourn by EQ, seconded by CD, meeting adjourned at 9:33 pm Eastern Respectfully submitted, Ed Quiggle, Jr. Secretary Restore the Fourth