RT4 BOARD AGENDA, APR 2, 2024, 8:30PM EASTERN 1. Welcome and RSVPs In attendance: AM, EQ, CD, ZM, TC. Absent: BS (excused) AM, CD, TC, EQ have RSVPed 2. Board minutes for last meeting, on Jan. 17, 2024 [EQ], see below Motion to accept meeting notes (and any additional notes to be presented at next meeting) by EQ, seconded by AM unanimously approved 3. Secretary's Report [EQ] A. Designation of EQ as returning officer for elections Election coming up on May 4th. Motion to designate EQ returning officer by AM, unanimously approved B. Timetable for elections: bios and pitches to EQ by Apr 15, candidates' call tentatively set for Friday April 26, election day May 4 EQ to put election announcement out to email lists, Signal All current board members considering seeking re-election to their seat C. Specification of area of responsibility for CD in her board title CD to discuss with EQ when submitting bio and pitch D. People to approach for potential board interest Julie Bernstein possibly E. Improvements to board minutes F. Switch to quarterly board meetings or remain on monthly schedule? EQ suggested to moving to every other month by Motion to move to meetingd every other month by AM, seconded by EQ, unanimously passed 4. Financial Reports A. Review financial reports for fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 ("FY2023") as previously circulated by TC $5k in bank, $80k in brokerage account Expectation of q1 report by next meeting Motion to approve FY 2023 report by AM, seconded by EQ, unanimously approved B. Issues with SurePayroll C. Timetable looking forward for review of FY2024Q1, Q2, Q3 D. Coins transferred from old Coinbase account to new one? [ZM] TC gave ZM the address to transfer, and ZM transferred it during meeting ~$1k value of BTC 5. Tech Chair's Report [BS- deferred] A. Add crypto donations back to donations page? B. Cease and desist letter? TC to recieculate reimbursement policy, EQ to put policy on site 6. Litigation Working Group report A. Unanimous decision in our favor at Supreme Court in Fikre B. New case seeking certiorari in Barnes (looking at totality of circumstances vs. moment-of-threat in gauging reasonableness of police force) Rare for SCOTUS to take up such a case. Mahesh would like to file an amicus brief in May 3 other cases in consideration, but not yet at the right stage. One case is Minnesota marijuana scent probable cause case. Civil asset forfeiture case, 19th century doctrine of a presumption against seizure of property where ownership is divided or contested. 7. Legislative Working Group report A. Update on 702 surveillance reform efforts in Congress during Jan-Mar I. Short-term reauthorization of 702 in December NDAA through to Apr 19 II. House dramas: PLEWSA, RISAA, must-passes, Rules, paralysis, predictions Government Surveillance Reform Act strongest but not likely to come to floor. Protect liberty Warrantless Surveillance Act a watered down version passed Judiciary committee Speaker Johnson likely to introduce a bill on the 12th III. Senate dramas: GSRA/FRRA, SAFE Act Intelligence Committee doesn't want any data broker reform 1. Amendments: Boolean search problem, standing/discovery/state secrets; "significant purpose" should perhaps be coupled with "known US person" Working with Brennan Center on 20 questions problem 2. Other flaws: potential adverse amendment expanding immigrant vetting; stiffer penalties for leaking classified documents IV. Coalition-building with conservative groups B. Other advocacy during Jan-Mar I. State privacy bills (see also Boston chapter update) A couple bills that could be model bills for other states II. Opposing a TikTok ban; KOSA advocacy; age-verification bills C. Issue briefs I. Parallel Construction brief published II. AI brief now being worked on Covers law enforcements use of AI III. Future brief: Payment systems surveillance? D. Scorecard hasn't been updated since December I. Updates delayed because freelancer OOC 8. Communications Working Group report A. Press list now much larger and up-to-date B. Coalition letters for approval I. Jan. 22: Center for Democracy and Technology letter calling on countries to add human rights protections to the proposed international Cybercrimes Convention: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10iNCe3WUhex32Z-oFPbZoWhI4E3gtsO1n6KmxNGXA-4/edit II. Feb. 5: Freedom of the Press Foundation letter to Georgia AG Chris Carr, opposing efforts to criminalize use of burner phones, in the context of Cop City: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19b5uiiPYDZtarfhbeAjVZUEisfIf2eSC3TxnHFT0nY4/edit III. Feb. 14: Project on Government Oversight letter to Congress opposing holding a secret session to discuss FISA reform: https://www.pogo.org/post/bipartisan-coalition-strongly-opposes-u-s-house-of-representatives-secret-session-on-reauthorizing-mass-surveillance-authorities IV. Feb. 28: Brennan Center letter to Congressional leadership, opposing inclusion of 702 reauthorization in a continuing resolution (i.e., a must-pass spending bill): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mdBx35huDolaeII-stlbLHGOUI8pnaYYKla8FRaG7AA/edit V. Mar. 15: Muslim Advocates letter to Congressional leadership, opposing use of Section 702 to surveil domestic protest: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11vDKL0YnBCBVYNjJ9KJGEpNqeT5TtuixCa1gMlCBTMc/edit VI. Mar. 25: Brennan Center/Empire State Indivisible letter to Congressional leadership, opposing use of Section 702 to surveil protesters: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kpwvGEnoGkyxrbdaGHB4NpCp4R4W7vAfgk99FnaVbRI/edit VII. Mar. 28: Fight for the Future letter to CVS and Walgreens, asking them to require a warrant from law enforcement before sharing sensitive patient prescription information: https://www.fightforthefuture.org/news/2024-03-28-joint-letter-calling-on-cvs-and-walgreens-to-protect-patient-privacy-and-medical-records/ VIII. [Forthcoming:] Electronic Privacy Information Center letter to House leadership, opposing the possible introduction by House Speaker Johnson of RISAA without significant amendments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11kCm6aETvuGjzFzjFXSCW2y8SCzBS-X_1f_pctu7cjQ/edit IX. [Forthcoming:] Electronic Privacy Information Center comments to the Office of Management and Budget, proposing improvements to federal government Privacy Impact Assessments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16y2rI8cBUBlDVjre-FOGK-deF2eT3LBjP4CsoOGs9PM/edit X. [Forthcoming:] United We Dream letter to the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights, opposing the use of law enforcement facial recognition: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WhmhoULKmQVHdBFYwJHCF7IArRfTn0f9rboPXnEeseA/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs XI. [Forthcoming:] Electronic Frontier Foundation letter to NY Gov. Hochul and state legislative leadership, opposing the inclusion of the weak and corporate-friendly NY Privacy Act in the state budget. C. Op-eds published on our website: I. https://restorethe4th.com/rt4-endorses-the-durbin-lee-safe-act/ II. https://restorethe4th.com/is-this-election-about-democracy-or-not/ III. https://restorethe4th.com/christians-should-support-surveillance-reforms/ D. Publicity from other orgs/press: I. https://jayapal.house.gov/2024/03/18/jayapal-biggs-hoyle-armstrong-lead-bipartisan-letter-urging-fisa-702-standalone-bill-and-privacy-votes/ II. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/turner-national-threat-russia/2024/02/16/id/1153933/ E. HOPE Conference Jul 12-14, Queens, NY I. Book hotels soon! II. Propose talks III. Tabling and merch IV. RT4 meetup 9. Chapter updates A. Boston I. Advocacy on Location Shield Act, Digital Privacy Protection Act II. Assisting municipalities on surveillance ordinance reporting 1. Organizing to oppose ShotSpotter, covert streetlight cameras, Thomson Reuters CLEAR and other technologies III. Resisting and bringing transparency to UASI grant process IV. Fusion center regulation bill advocacy V. Civil asset forfeitures advocacy B. Minnesota I. Facial recognition and reverse warrants bans II. Updating the drone law to be more responsive to local control and local advocacy C. Rhode Island I. Advocacy on school privacy bill D. Pennsylvania I. [Update from EQ] Institute for Justice case on law enforcement disobeying no trespassing signs E. New York City I. Supporting POST Act amendment bills II. Outreach to Schumer, Nadler, Gillibrand on 702 III. Advocacy on NYPD Officer Angwang case F. San Diego and San Francisco: City backtracks on surveillance ordinances G. Possible formation of RT4-Abroad chapter of US citizen expatriates H. Other 9. Date of next board meeting A. To be discussed in Signal group 10. Old Business None 11.New Business None 12. Adjournment Motion to adjourn by EQ, seconded by AM, no objections meeting adjourned at 10:08pm Eastern