
Restore the Fourth signs onto Coalition Letter to Amend the Indefinite Detention Clause of the NDAA

Restore the Fourth, along with P.A.N.D.A., Free the People and several other co-signing organizations, submitted a coalition letter to Senator Lindsay Graham. It urges that an amendment to the NDAA drafted by Sens. Paul and Lee be allowed to be debated. The amendment would remove the indefinite detention clause in this year’s NDAA, which is […]


The FISA Process Is Not Good Enough: How we got here and what the memos mean

With over a week passed since the #ReleaseTheMemo controversy finally came to a head, it’s time to reflect more deeply on how we got here, and how domestic surveillance under FISA should and should not be conducted. To recap: The memo in #ReleaseTheMemo refers to the memo written by the office of surveillance hawk Rep. […]