Actions News Statements

Testimony from Digital Fourth at the Boston City Council Hearing

Yesterday, October 4th, 2023, the Boston City Council approved acceptance of a total of $3.4 million in federal grants for the Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC), “a BPD unit that collects data and video used to fight crime and terrorism – and which maintains a database of Boston residents accused of being members of local gangs.” […]

News Statements

Interview with Our National Chair on Geofence Warrants

Restore The Fourth’s National Chair, Alex Marthews, was recently interviewed for an article in Real Clear Investigations. In “Just the Facts on ‘Geofencing,’ the Intrusive, App-Based ‘Dragnet’ That Sgt. Joe Friday Never Dreamed Of,” Maggie MacFarland Phillips relied on our expertise to explain the dangers of geofence warrants, and the best way to balance concerns […]