GSRA + FISA Resources News Statements

House Votes to Extend FISA Section 702 in NDAA

This morning, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which included a reauthorization of FISA Section 702 surveillance powers without a certification cap. FISA Section 702 is the program the FBI has abused relentlessly on a “persistent and widespread” basis to conduct warrantless surveillance. Many have fallen victim to the FBI’s backdoor searches […]


Thank you to DuckDuckGo for their support!

DuckDuckGo donates annually to a diverse group of organizations across the globe that strive for better privacy, digital rights, and access to information free from algorithmic bias. Their message is simple, yet powerful: everyone using the Internet deserves simple and accessible online protection. Restore the Fourth is honored to be one of the groups supported […]