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Thank you to DuckDuckGo!

We are included in DuckDuckGo’s twelfth year of donations as part of their annual program to support organizations across the globe dedicated to strengthening privacy and digital rights. Since 2008, DuckDuckGo has expanded to be an all in one digital privacy tool that offers Private Search, Web Tracking Protection, Smarter Encryption, Email Protection, Android App Tracking Protection, and much more.

We want to extend our deepest gratitude toward DuckDuckGo for supporting the work we do. Without support from organizations like them, we would not be able to fight for stronger Fourth Amendment protections in the digital space and beyond. Restore the Fourth has a big year ahead, with a new Congress and many policy fronts to tackle, and DuckDuckGo has only strengthened the big actions that lie ahead.

We encourage you to read more about their charitable donations program here, which totals to $1,100,000. Along Restore the Fourth, other organizations supported by DuckDuckGo include the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Signal, and the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP), all of which we closely align and work with given our similar visions of privacy and internet freedom.